We'll be experiencing the New Moon in Taurus @ 21 degrees on the 11th of May 2021.

This particular Moon has a significant configuration at play filled with potential for great transformation, change, fated events and synchronicities. 

This is a time for intention and innovation as the karmic currents around communication, connection and destiny are activated with the exact conjunction between Mercury and the North Node all occurring in the sign of Gemini.

Saturn will be making a trine aspect to support + facilitate the activation and/or integrations in order for us to acquire new knowledge and those classic Saturnian lessons to learn.

Venus will be following suit a few days after this New Moon which will be highlighting our values + relationships. 

This particular transit occurs every 18 years and lasts anywhere between 2 weeks to 2 months.

This lunar illumination, however, will continue to have influence until the Lunar Eclipse in Taurus which we'll be experiencing in November.

what is the cosmic influence play by play?

This Lunar cycle will be prompting us to leave any patterns or behaviours which are no longer aligned with our visions behind - releasing stories of victimhood and displacing them with narratives of empowerment as emphasised by Mars square Chiron. 

The empowerment we wish to work towards won't come from rose quartz or bath bombs - though they can certainly serve as the material bandaids + tools for healing in true Taurean fashion. 

In order for us to sew these seeds of empowerment, we lean on Pluto to cultivate and cope with twists of change + lay down the template towards our fate. 

Both the Sun and the Moon will be trine Pluto which provides us with a container to review the polarities and structures of both our persona + emotional realms which are reflected in the world around us.

As Pluto governs transformation and change, we can visualise the extension of a lending hand - inviting and facilitating support for transpersonal transmutation. With Pluto in Retrograde until October, we will really be reviewing and reconfiguring our structures a la sign of Capricorn.

We will be moving through our discomforts, treading + wading through open waters to clarify our course of action - supported by the sextile between Mars and Uranus. 

We can rely on our self-soothing tools to innovate and revolutionise our daily lives, trickling and contributing to the collective at large. 

When faced with resistance - or more specifically the square offs between Saturn + Jupiter and the Sun, Moon, Venus & Uranus - we are reminded to both acknowledge and discern any fears so we may create space to displace and innovate.

This energy is that of transforming woes into wisdom and extracting clarity from calamities. 

observations + solutions

During this time, we may feel an overwhelm of mental energy and falling into pits of analysis paralysis. 

We may also experience mental breakthroughs and innovative thoughts related to the ways in which we want to pursue our goals. Think along the lines of collecting cues + clues from conversations, hints handed from the Universe and almost unusual (but very useful) knowledge to arise around socialising and communication. 

This is not limited to being in person of course - this could even stretch to algorithms, too. 

the air is scented with synchronicity & change 

Depending on which side of the fence of change you (or those around you) lean towards - there is always potential for combativeness or conflict - so the best way to dispel and manage this is with clear intention, centring ourselves in compassion and, of course, communication. 

Self-soothe any stress, tension and anxiety with any tools you have collected in your self-care toolbox, book yourself a Sound Healing session.

Another thing to be mindful of is abuse of power - especially once Venus transits the North Node. There is potential for greed, dominance, inconsideration and purely self-serving attitudes. 

There may also be an excess of focus around appearances with a level of deception attached - depending on the core intention. Especially as we will be facing a square with Neptune - highlighting that potential trickster, deceptive and with illusory undertones. 

Karmic relationships can also be created - situations in which lessons we must process and accept can come into play. Relationships of course can feel beneficial and enriching - but at what cost and with what intent- as the North Node is present and future oriented. 

Any karma accumulated will be accounted for and paid at another time. 

All in all, we can summarise this general tone with a quote from sage Ice Cube: 'Check yourself before you wreck yourself'.


oracle insight

  • What does miracle mean to us individually?

  • When reflecting on a miraculous moment in time, what sensations can we recall?

  • In what ways can we cultivate and create space for miracles in our daily lives?

  • Notice how our body feels, are there any messages or wisdom whispered?

  • In what ways can we incorporate more body awareness?

  • In what areas have we been seeking solutions and changes?

  • Have there been any personal truths or sudden realizations recently? What themes arose?



tantric journey 





  • What does magic mean to us individually?

  • What brings a sense of magic and wonder into our lives? 

  • How can we incorporate more magic into our everyday?

  • What are some themes or matters that have been in our hearts recently?

  • What are some themes or matters that have been on our minds recently?

  • How can we bridge and ground both perspectives into congruence?

  • How can we self-soothe and strike up security within our bodies and in the physical world? 


new moon playlist

To honour this Moon Cycle, I created a playlist on Spotify and Youtube which you can click below to access and experience.



These songs have been curated with what I feel capture this Lunar energy and the effects of the planetary influences we may experience, covering the themes we may be contemplating and considering.

I predominantly focused on lyrical themes for this New Moon and yes it is a mashup of genres - the human experience and emotional spectrum be like that. 

These tracks were chosen for different moods so I'd love to know your thoughts and feels on this playlist + whether you resonate or not!

Feel free to hit me up for a musical/emotive discussion via Instagram if you'd like to chat.


join me + bathe in sound


I’ll be hosting Sound Bath Sunday via Zoom on the 6th of June 2021 from 8:30pm - 10pm BST.

You can connect with me over on Instagram 


Take care + sending love,






VIBRATION 1: Numerology + Melodic Incantation