We'll be experiencing the cosmic commotion that is the Full Moon in Leo @ 9 degrees tonight and tomorrow (28th/29 January 2021). 

This Full Moon will be dramatic, drastic and theatric as we'll be experiencing a t-square aspect with Mars in Taurus and the Sun making a conjunction with Jupiter and Saturn which is taking place in the sign of Aquarius. 

A conjunction is the term for when the planets creep up into one another's personal space taking place in a certain constellation or very close neighbouring degrees. 

However - this energy we'll be experiencing is also full of squares (90 degree angle) which can create challenges, tension and friction which can either fuel our personal fire or scorch us.

Jupiter in Aquarius square Mars in Taurus brings about an energy of overreaction particularly towards desiring change and topics which are emotionally stimulating or emotionally charged. 

Mars in Taurus making a t-square to this Full Moon has an inflammatory flavour: it's like when we take a bite into an unassuming pepper, surprised by the unexpected spice, we experience waves of pure heat and sensation.

When you think it's over, it just keeps coming back.

At this point, we may feel over the rollercoaster heatwave mouth party as it seems like no amount of liquid can drown or tame the flavour-flames.  

Another example is that drunken 'encore' rendition of someone covering Oasis at a party (remember those?)

The ending of a night that we never sign up for but unfortunately get signed away by situational and unspoken social proxy.


What is the cosmic influence play by play?


It's the energy of the unexpected. Wanting to break free from old energy. The desire for self-liberation paired with a craving for the fresh, fun and funky. 

In order to experience and satisfy this crave for change, we'll need to release certain mindsets to create suitable space for change to emerge and freedom to flourish. 

With Saturn in the mix, we'll be feeling some friction, restriction and limitation. It can raise awareness to the blockages we feel: potentially as a result of procrastination or by clutching at the comfort of what is familiar which has unwittingly frayed the wits end of our terrestrial tether.

This Full Moon will really be highlighting our burning desires for freedom, our personal expression + fun in classic Leo fashion - which begs the question - to what extent are we authentically aligned to facilitate our passions?

Is it just a careless flirt with the Universe in order to pass the time, feeding the chaos because we're fckn bored and feeling stuck and straight up frustrated

- OR -

are we using our charm constructively to create from a heart-centre? 

This Lunar energy will be giving us some perspective and the invitation to take a step back and factor in the bigger picture. It is really important to check in with ourselves and operate from a heart space when creating and letting go of what we no longer require.

By switching to a full-frame sensor in the way we capture and perceive the world around us, we make the most of the Jupiter qualities which represent abundance, expansion and opportunity to ideas, intuitions and inspiration to come through. 

Venus will also be conjunct Pluto in Capricorn which has this obsessive, fixated, jealous and heavily attached vibe to it which can limit our perspective when attempting to broaden our horizons. 


when armed with awareness, we are able to action with response rather than reaction


Lastly, Mercury will be stationing to go Retrograde in Aquarius at the end of the month, which will provide a space for deep introspection and internal dialogue.

This energy will help us facilitate the prompting, probing and pioneering of the insights to both perceive and receive from our personal, by-product experience of this influence.

Ultimately, this will be helping us to enact the change we wish to embody and share with the world around us. 

Despite any perceived difficulties, this is a really powerful time to manifest our desires and create longterm change for the foundations of our future.

If you'd like some assistance with this, feel free to get in touch and book a service of your choice with me  here.


oracle insight

  • In what ways can we surrender to the process in order to allow transition to take place?

  • What does surrender look like to us?

  • What are the stories we tell ourselves that keep us in our current trajectory?

  • How have these stories served us? Have these stories exceeded their expiration date?

  • How can we channel our creativity to manifest our desires?

  • What are the core values and fundamental elements we connect to?

  • What is our definition of home?

  • What makes our hearts smile?



sacral chakra

cosmic flower

heart chakra


soul time

  • What makes our mind harmonious?

  • What makes our heart in harmony?

  • In what ways can we harmonise both heart and mind?

  • What makes us feel powerful?

  • How can we strike the balance between direction and reception?

  • What can we do to satisfy and nourish our soul?

  • What are our definitions of fulfilment on a soul level?

  • What makes us feel infinite, timeless and unlimited?




I like being a teacher and I do so consciously 

Modesty in thought and action allows the wisdom within me to grow

Because of my curiosity, I learn easily and quickly

I lovingly accept my 'masculinity' - the divine drive that resides within me

I happily receive the life-creating forces of the sun that inspire innovation

I make friends with my inner warrior


full moon in leo playlist


To honour this Moon Cycle, I created a playlist on Spotify and Youtube which you can click below to access and experience. 



These songs have been curated with what I feel capture this Lunar energy and the effects of the planetary influences we may experience, covering the themes we may be contemplating and considering. 

'Words of Advice for Young People' fully captures the unconventional, truth speaking and unapologetic expression we may experience, mirroring that of the Sun in Aquarius square Uranus in Taurus.

Fun fact: Burroughs is an Aquarius Sun and has an Aquarius stellium in his chart - so it really is beyond fitting for this Lunar energy.  

'Hard Life' by Sault captures the Mars square Jupiter and Saturn transit - especially since it's taking place in Aquarius and lyrically touches on the human experience and what we are moving away from/into when entering a more Aquarian age. 

'Consequences' by Coltrane embodies Mars conjunct Uranus for me - the incredible build up of percussion and the absolute genius of woodwind breezing through the limbic and liminal space of our brain.

The magical chaos in jazz that activates and brings awareness to parts of our brain we know exist but don't access nearly enough. 

Nothing quite describes Venus conjunct Pluto energy quite like Deftones cover of 'Jealous Guy' - its that dark, gritty and raw edge of Chino Moreno's voice that really solidifies this for me. 

And finally, 'Don't Bother Calling', 'Echo's Answer' and 'Chantfirmation' highlight the approaching Mercury Retrograde energy. 

The space of introversion, introspection and creation in a true solitary and almost sombre ambience sinking into our heart spaces. 

I'd love to know what this playlist inspires in you!

Does it resonate or strike a chord with you?

What songs would you curate into your personal Full Moon playlist?

If you enjoy this content, I'd be honoured to keep sharing and providing it for us to discuss and divulge at depth for our self-growth.

You can contact me by email or Instagram and be sure to hit the subscribe/follow buttons on the appropriate social network outlets in order to support and share our journeys. 


join me + bathe in sound


If you feel called to connect, comment or share this juicy knowledge and context, I encourage you to do so!

You can connect with me over on instagram 


Take care + sending love,




VIBRATION 7: Numerology + Melodic Incantation
